




◆Ogoshi Yama (Shimohonmachi Precinct)

Shimohonnmachi, with its ceremonially decorated horse (Umanoto), joined the festival procession in 1635 as did Uoyacho Pricienct. They are the oldest participants of this procession. A distinguishing feature of this yama is the absence of a bonten on its roof. The bonten is a shinto ritual staff with streamers of white ceremonial paper attached. This yama features elaborate tapestry and carvings. The karakuri is hanare karakuri type. A puppet makes an acrobatic swing by itself. Once this yama offers its performance at the Haritsuna Shrine, the festival is said to be official even if scheduled events to follow are cancelled by inclement weather.





◆Ogoshi (Combination and separation)

The origin of the Inuyama Festival dates back to 1635 when Uoyacho Precinct and Shimohonmachi Precinct paraded decorated horses down the street.
The karakuri mechanisms at that time, called Kumomai, were quite simple. They were simply puppets swinging around and around on bamboo poll. In 1775 a mechanic in Nagoya created the karakuri doll as used today. The original karakuri doll in current form was a small doll riding on the shoulder of a bigger doll.
The floats name, Ogoshi Yama, comes from the movement of the dolls both in tandem and in their separation as they constantly separate and are brought back together. Three karakuri participate in the performance. With musical accompaniment the smallest karako stands up on a pedestal. A larger karako comes and put the smaller karako on his shoulders. The smaller karako reaches up and seizes a bar. It then does two giant swings before coming back and standing on the larger karako’s shoulder again. The larger karako then returns the smaller one to the pedestal. The third karako beats a drum and cheers the other two on.
The highlight of the show is the movement of the two karako together and when the smaller karako swings around the bar
