


祭りの起源は、一六三五年まで遡る。当初は、下本町が馬の塔を、魚屋町が茶 摘みの練り物を出していたが、一六四一年には早くも下本町がに変えて人形からくりを奉納するようになり、江戸中期までには今の犬山祭の原型がほぼできあがっていたものと思われる。



犬山祭は、もともと最初の針綱神社遷座日である旧暦八月二十八日を本楽としていた。 しかし、一八九一年の濃尾大震災で城下が壊滅的な被害を受けたため、再び全町内が揃ってを出せるようになった一八九七年に、祭礼日を新暦四月 へと変更している。その後、幾度かの変更を経て、今では四月の第一土・日曜日に行っている。


History of the Inuyama Festival

The Inuyama Festival is a religious festival dedicated to the god enshrined in the Haritsuna Shrine, which is located at the foot of Inuyama Castle. The Inuyama Festival started in 1635, when the Simohonmachi Precinct of the old castle town dedicated a ceremonially decorated horse (Umanoto) and the Uoyacho Precinct performed tea-leafpicker's procession (Nerimono). 

By 1641, the Simohonmachi Precinct had already changed it's dedication from a ceremonially decorated horse to a float (yama) with mechanical puppets (karakuri). By the middle of the Edo period (around the beginning of the18th century), the prototype of the Inuyama Festival was complete.

After the construction of the castle, merchants dominated the center of the castle town. But when the lord Naruse came into control of the castle in the Edo period, he located samurai warrior's houses around the merchants' shops and houses. This is the basic form of the castle town as we know it today.

The relationship between the lord of the castle and townspeople was good. Each precinct head would be remunerated and was allowed to wear swords at the festival. They could collect money for the festival expenses as a tax. The spirit of this autonomous structure has been passed on to today.

There are 13 floats, and 3 Nerimono in the castle town. Each is maintained by one of the original 13 precincts. The floats are called yama here in Inuyama (in other areas of Japan they are often referred to as dashi)

The main day of the festival, or hongaku, used to be August 28th, the day the Haritsuna Shrine was established at its present location. But in 1891 the Nobi earthquake caused extensive damage to the castle town. The festival regained its full form in April of 1897 when each precinct was again able to participate after the recovery from the disaster. After going through some changes, today's festival is held on the first Saturday and Sunday of April every year.

Planning for the festival begins in January with a meeting of the precinct heads. Residents begin to practice traditional music and karakuri performances and share other duties related to the festival beginning in March. One week before the festival, they used to start to assemble the yama, this is called, yamagumi. But in recent years, garages for the yama have been built, and only one precinct still carries on this custom today.


寛永12年(1635)に始まった犬山祭の形態が幾度の変遷を経て、絵巻に描かれている18世紀後半には、ほぼ現在の祭の形態であることがわかります。ぜひご覧ください。(犬山市文化財指定・個人蔵 / 寛政7年(1795)製)