



上山の欄干は漆塗りでありながら、中山の欄干は白木という点が特徴の。 下山側面上方にある織物「水引」は、 一八七五年に金糸・銀糸をラシャ地に縫い取ったもので、名「絳英」は、縫い物が優れている意味と言い伝えられている。からくりは、歌舞伎の「菅原傳授手習鑑」を題材としたもの。お囃子方には「名栗町ばやし」の目録があり、 一通り演奏するだけで一時間を超えるという犬山祭最長の楽曲群を有している。

◆Houei Yama (Naguricho Precinct)

The handrails of the upper deck are lacquered, but those of the middle deck are plain wood. The upper portion of the lower deck tapestry is elaborately woven from thick woolen fabric with gold and silver threads. It was made in 1875. The name of this yama, Hoei, means excellent sewing. The performance and the music of this karakuri display are derived from the kabuki play “Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami”. The original music is very long, lasting over 1 hour.








◆Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami (Sugawara’s secrets of calligraphy)

The name of this float, Hoei, means excellent sewing. This is especially true of the gorgeous embroidery on the upper part of the hanging curtain located on the lower deck.
This story is adapted from an actual battle between two Ministers in the 10th century, Michizane Sugawara and Tokihira Fujiwara. In the karakuri version of the story they engage in a magic competition.
The karako puppet joyfully shows both Ministers a pot with a blooming plum tree in it. Tokihira gets angry and makes the flowers fall. Michizane loves plum blossoms so he discards the fan he is holding and holds the tree causing red flowers to bloom. The karako puppet is very pleased and dances while holding the pot.
This same story was performed at the Joruri puppet theater in Osaka in 1764 and has also appeared in a kabuki play. Therefore it is easy to see how closely related Karakuri, Joruri and Kabuki are.
