



上山・下山の縁板はびわ材で堆朱(ついしゅ)と呼ばれる朱漆で彫った文様があり、下山突き出しは山柿と花梨の材である。さらに、 中山の欄干は紫檀で作られている。これは明治の初頭、横浜まで出向いて一万両で購入したものと伝えられている。名「咸英」は、こうした高価な材料を用い、螺鈿(らでん)細工や彫金彫り物など、優れた 工芸を施したという意味で、「すべてに秀でる」として名付けられた。

◆Kanei Yama (Honmachi Precinct)

This yama is the most elaborate of all. The side boards of upper and lower decks are carved in red and black lacquered layers. This yama has exquisite metal inlays and pearl shell carving. The wood materials used are very expensive loquat, quince and rosewood. It is said that the materials were bought in Yokohama for ten thousand ryo (about one billion yen) in the early Meiji era. Kanei means excellence in all things.





◆Karako Asobi (Karako playing together)

The name of this float is Kanei which means excellence in all things.
Three karako dolls appear in the performance. Two of the karako are operated by technicians underneath using strings while the third is fully autonomous and moves on its own.
These karako were made by the famous Tokichi Takeda in 1774 who was able to give each karako its own graceful expression. The facial expressions are considered so good that they were used on a poster for the Aichi Worlds Fair Exhibition.
The highlight of this performance is that the autonomous karako does a one-handed handstand on a lotus pedestal. When he succeeds in doing the handstand he shows his joy by beating a drum with his free hand and shaking his head side to side.
The larger karako walks around while also shaking his head side to side and beating a drum to show his joy while the smaller karako pushes the pedestal around in circles.
These karako were first repaired by the 3rd Tamaya Shobei in 1824 and again by the 9th Tamaya Shobei in 1999
