



明治初期まで一番であったため、 この名が付けられている。
豪華絢爛 な装飾を施した人気のあるで、中山 に人形を載せている点も特徴。
からくり は二足歩行ロボットの原点とも言われる乱杭渡りで、竹田からくりの流れを汲む人形師・竹田藤吉による会心作。乱杭渡りは、現在、動態では3つしかない山車からくりで、唯一途切れることなく演じ続けられてきたもの。犬山祭を代表するからくりである。

◆Massaki Yama(Uoyacho Precinct)

Up until the Meiji Restoration this yama was the lead float in the festival procession. Its elaborate decorations make this yama one of the most popular. A karakuri puppet is perched at the front of the middle deck. The main karakuri on the upper deck is, Rangui Watari. It features a puppet that seems to walk up a staircase on its own. It's said to be the fi rst two legged walking robot.It is one of only three such karakuri on yama in all of Japan, and the only one that has performed uninterrupted until today. It is the quintessential yama karakuri of the festival.





◆Nichirenshonin Hoshikudarinozu (Nichiren and the Falling Star)

Before the Meiji Restoration when Edamachi was separated from Uoya-cho the combined area had many followers of the Nichiren-shu sect of Buddhism. There were also two Nichiren-shu Temples. They choose to put a karakui puppet of the sect founder Nichiren on their float. As floats are normally seen as being Shinto, placing an important Buddhist figured on the float created a unique synergy of Shinto and Buddhist beliefs.
Nichiren, the monk who founded a sect of Buddhism named after him, criticized the government and other Buddhist sects and was exiled to the island of Sado in the Japan Sea in 1274 just before the first Mongol invasion of Japan. Around the same time in the middle of fall while reciting a sutra under a full moon a brilliant orb as bright as the moon fell from the sky onto a plum tree. This story is the basis for the karakuri performance on the float.
Nichiren is sitting after reciting the sutra when a star above his head splits and a celestial nymph appears. The nymph wearing tall wooden clogs walks up a staircase of 6 wooden pegs before jumping and pulling a scroll hanging from a plum tree. The scroll opens and the Japanese characters Nichi (Sun) and Getsu (Moon) appear.
The float is also called the “Three light car” as you can see the sun, the moon and a star.
The karakuri dolls were made in 1774 and the mechanism to make them work has never been shared and continues to remain a secret.
