



華やかで豪華絢爛な装飾が特徴の。一八二七年に「梅渡り」のからくり が三代玉屋庄兵衛に発注され、衣装は伊藤店(現松坂屋)で作られ、現在の唐子人形のからくりが誕生した。その後、七 代玉屋庄兵衛、九代玉屋庄兵衛と、一貫して玉屋庄兵衛の手によって修復が繰り返されている。名は、唐子が梅の梢で戯れるからくりから命名されている。 本楽では十三両中しんがりとなっている が、の創建順位ではなく届出順によるもの。

◆Baishogi Yama (Sotomachi Precinct)

This yama features elaborate tapestry and decorations. Its karakuri was made in 1827 by the master karakuri maker, the third Tamayashoubei and maintained by successive generations. This yama takes its name comes from its karakuri. This yama is the last in the procession. Order is not based on the order each yama was built, but on the order of their registration.





◆Baishogi (Playing in the top of a plum tree)

The name of both the float and the karakuri performance is Baishogi, which means playing in the top of a plum tree.
In early spring two karako puppets, one big and one small are playing in a garden with a blooming plum tree. The big karako hangs from the plum tree while beating a drum. The small karako climbs onto the pedestal and then onto a branch of the tree. On the branch the small karako does a one-handed hand stand while beating a small drum with its other hand and shaking its head wildly from side to side. The big karako is so surprised by this that it falls on its butt before both karako return their original spots.
The highlight is the one-handed handstand that the smaller karako does and how quickly it returns to the pedestal.
Before and after the performance both karako bow towards the shrine while traditional Japanese music plays in the background. The mechanism used to perform the handstand is almost the same as that used by the Honmachi Precinct float. This karako was made by the 3rd Shobei Tamaya in 1827 was repaired by the 9th Shobei Tamaya in 2002.
