



中山の正面に金の鯱(しゃちほこ)を付けているのは、十三輌中で唯一のものである。又、百五十年振りに復元新調された 水引幕は躍動感溢れる霊獣を四面に配しての出来映えで異彩を放っております。 からくり「淡路島」は日本誕生の物語です。糸からくりの変身人形で二本合わせて五十五本の糸を有し犬山一番の本数を誇っております。それゆえに他には出来ない繊細な動きをします。

◆Rosho Yama (Jinaicho Precinct)

Only this yama has a pair of golden killer whales, shachi, on the front of the middle deck. Its elaborate tapestry was restored for the rst time in 150 years. It vividly depicts sacred creatures on all four sides. This yama’s karakuri is the story of the birth of Japan. The two puppets employed are controlled by 55 strings, the most of any karakuri in this festival, and are capable of very delicate movement. The upper deck is a decorated by a pine tree which is a remnant of the Rosho Karakuri that once was here. Pine is a welcoming symbol to the gods.






◆Awajishima (Awaji Island)

The karakuri performance is named Awajishima and is based on the Noh play Awaji. The story of Awaji first appears in a collection of stories written in 712 in the Kojiki which is the oldest written record in Japan.
The mythological story is based on Izanami (mother of the gods) and Izanagi (father of the gods) who are searching the ocean before any land exists. While searching they drop something into the sea and the first island of Japan, Awajishima, is formed.
The karakuri play is performed by Miko (a shrine maiden) and Jinin (a godlike person). At the beginning they stay still which evokes the empty ocean. Miko begins quietly dancing but an oracle forces her to dance harder and harder. She eventually transforms into the gate of a shrine representing the first island of Japan.
Initially Jinin simply watches before also dancing wildly and transforming into a shrine. The shrine is called Kakurinomia which is located on Awaji Island and is where Izanagi lives out the rest of his life after creating Japan.
The highlight of the show is the quickness of the puppet’s movements and their transformations. They are controlled by 55 strings, the most of any karakuri, making them very difficult to operate but also capable of very delicate movements.
The name of the float Rosho comes from the decorated pine tree on the upper deck.
